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- Why Are Surveys Struggling to Estimate Vote Shares?, M. Tyler, T. Brader, M. DeBell, S. Hillygus, S. Iyengar, D. Shaw & N. Valentino, forthcoming
- Fear and Loathing in American Politics: A Review Essay, S. Iyengar, forthcoming
- Persistent Polarization: The Unexpected Durability of Political Animosity around US Elections, N. Fasching, S. Iyengar, Y. Lelkes & S. Westwood
- Uncommon and Nonpartisan: Antidemocratic Attitudes in the American Public, D. Holliday, S. Iyengar, Y. Lelkes & S. Westwood
- Does Affective Polarization Contribute to Democratic Backsliding in America?, J. Druckman, D. Green & S. Iyengar
- Testing the Robustness of the ANES Feeling Thermometer Indicators of Affective Polarization, M. Tyler & S. Iyengar
- Asymmetric Ideological Segregation in Exposure to Political News on Facebook, S. Gonzalez-Bailon, D. Lazer, P. Barbera, M. Zhang, H. Alcott, T. Brown, A. Crespo-Tenorio, D. Freelon, G. Gentzkow, A. Guess, S. Iyengar, Y. Kim, N. Malhotra, D. Moehler, B. Nyhan, J. Pan, J. Settle, E. Thorson, R. Tromble, A. Wilkins, C. De Jonge, A. Franco, W. Mason, N. Stroud, and J. Tucker.
- A Randomized Experiment Evaluating Survey Mode Effects for Video Interviewing, K. Endres, S. Hillygus, M. DeBell & S. Iyengar
- Comment: Party Polarization and Agenda Divergence, S. Iyengar
- Learning to Dislike Your Opponents: Political Socialization in the Era of Polarization, M. Tyler & S. Iyengar
- Partisan Reasoning in a High Stakes Environment: Assessing Partisan Information Gaps on COVID-19, E. Peterson & S. Iyengar
- Partisan Enclaves and Information Bazaars: Mapping Selective Exposure to Online News, M. Tyler, J. Grimmer, & S. Iyengar
- Campaign Contributions, Independent Expenditures, and the Appearance of Corruption: Public Opinion vs. the Supreme Court's Assumptions, M. DeBell & S. Iyengar
- Partisan Gaps in Political Information and Information-Seeking Behavior: Motivated Reasoning or Cheerleading?, E. Peterson & S. Iyengar
- Political sectarianism in America, E.J. Finkel, C.A. Bail, M. Cikara, P.H. Ditto, S. Iyengar, S. Klar, L. Mason, M.C. McGrath, B. Nyhan, D.G. Rand, L.J. Skitka, J.A. Tucker, J.J. Van Bavel, C.S. Wang, & J.N. Druckman
- The Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States, S. Iyengar, Y. Lelkes, M. Levendusky, N. Malhotra, & S.J. Westwood
- Scientific communication in a post-truth society, S. Iyengar & D.S. Massey
- Partisanship as Social Identity; Implications for the Study of Party Polarization, S. Iyengar & M. Krupenkin
- The Strengthening of Partisan Affect, S. Iyengar & M. Krupenkin
- The Home as a Political Fortress; Family Agreement in an Era of Polarization, S. Iyengar, T. Konitzer & K. Tedin
- Echo Chambers and Partisan Polarization: Evidence from the 2016 Presidential Campaign, E. Peterson, S. Goel & S. Iyengar
- The Moderating Efects of Marriage Across Party Lines, S. Iyengar & T. Konitzer
- All in the Eye of the Beholder: Asymmetry in Ideological Accountability, S. Iyengar & G. Sood
- The Hostile Audience: The Effect of Access to Broadband Internet on Partisan Affect, Y. Lelkes, G. Sood & S. Iyengar
- E Pluribus Pluribus, or Divided We Stand, S. Iyengar
- The Tie That Divides: Cross-National Evidence of the Primacy of Partyism, S.J. Westwood, S. Iyengar, S. Walgrave, R. Leonisio, L. Miller & O. Strijbis
- Fear and Loathing Across Party Lines: New Evidence on Group Polarization, S. Iyengar & S.J. Westwood
- Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity Perspective on Polarization, S. Iyengar, G. Sood & Y. Lelkes
- Red Media, Blue Media: Evidence of Ideological Polarization in Media Use, S. Iyengar & K. Hahn
- Polarization in Less than Thirty Seconds: Continuous Monitoring of Voter Response to Campaign Advertising, S. Iyengar, S. Jackman & K. Hahn
Race and Politics
- Racial Identity, Group Consciousness, and Attitudes: A Framework for Assessing Multiracial Self-Classification, L. Davenport, S. Iyengar, S. J. Westwood
- Multiracial Identity and Political Preferences, L. Davenport, A. Franco, S. Iyengar
- Who Am I? Racial Identity and Affect Among Biracial White-Blacks and White-Asians, L. Davenport, A. Franco, S. Iyengar & S.J. Westwood
- Absence of Diversity: Market-Based Journalism, Vote-Seeking Candidates, and Racial Cues in Broadcast Media Programming, S. Iyengar
- Understanding Explicit and Implicit Attitudes: A Comparison of Racial Group and Candidate Preferences in the 2008 Election, S. Iyengar, K. Hahn, C. Dial & M.R. Banaji
- Explicit Racial Cues and Candidate Preference: The Case of Skin Complexion in the 2008 Campaign, S. Iyengar, S. Messing, J. Bailenson & K. Hahn
Media Systems and Political Knowledge
- Does Public Broadcasting Have a Future?
Symposium features Tim Olson, Ulrich Wilhelm, Dan Werner, Shanto Iyengar - Gerhard Casper moderates. - 'Dark Areas of Ignorance' Revisited: Comparing International Affairs Knowledge in Switzerland and the US, S. Iyengar, K.S. Hahn, H. Bonfadelli & M. Marr
- Is Current Affairs Knowledge General or Domain-Specific? A Cross National Analysis of Hard and Soft News Knowledge, K. Hahn, S. Iyengar, P. van Aelst & J. Curran
- Cross-National versus Individual-Level Differences in Political Information: A Media Systems Perspective, S. Iyengar, J. Curran, A.B. Lund, I. Salovaara-Moring, K. Hahn & S. Coen